CWL meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month except for July and Aug. We meet at 6 pm in the Father Ellard Hall for a pot luck/appetizer dinner and our general meeting.
NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! If you are not sure that you want to join yet, come out to a meeting and check us out!! Don’t forget to bring your dish/appetizer dinner at the start of every meeting. Coffee and tea will be provided.
Membership renewal is happening now. You can bring your 2025 membership dues to our Jan. 8th meeting, you can put it in a sealed envelope with your name and phone number on it and drop it in the collection plate at one of the 3 weekend Masses, or you can drop it off at the parish office.
Prayers for Priests – If you would like to pray daily for our Priests, please go to the Virtual Prayer Room Page on this site for a suggested prayer and for the Prayer for Priests.
For all new and existing CWL members, we will be having our Installation/Reaffirmation of Officers and our new members Pin ceremony on Tuesday Jan. 28th at the 7 pm Mass. Family members are invited as well.